Monday, February 25, 2019

Removing your stress with writing!

Removing your stress with writing!
LifetimeEarn Yes you read it right, you can remove your stress by writing what you are thinking. Once you do that you can have a relaxing feeling and you can be contented when you complete writing your stuff. Writing makes you say your heart out and makes you convey your feelings in words to yourself. You can then figure out the cause and problem of your mind and then sort it out and fix it.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Life is a Game!

Life is a Game!
Really? Yeah! Indeed life is a game and is always and always playing with you. Would you want to play back with it and enjoy? Of-course you can! For that you need to be a little more vigilant , a little more sensitive , a little more confident and a little more enthusiastic too. If you meet this criteria you are going to rock your world and your are going to be the happiest person around. Just don't bother whatever may be is going around, keep your task your goals in mind and be strict about them. This is the only way you can reach your destination.

Am I wasting my life?

Am I wasting my life?
LifetimeEarn Do you really think so? If yes, then you need to read this. Life is not a thing to waste and you cannot waste it even if you want to, because it has a purpose. The purpose of life may or may not be obvious to you at start but once you go with the flow you will get to know about it that life is meant to be happy and to make others happy too. This is the only prototype of life. Once you have learnt to stay happy in life nobody can ever defeat you or let you down.

Self-Talking !

Self-Talking !
LifetimeEarn Have you ever met your inner self /your inner being? If yes then you are the luckiest person around and if no then still its not late, you have time to find him and meet him. Once you have met him you will find it an eye opener and a life changer scenario. The reason is that he will show you mirror of your deeds , he will you you your true reality and he will make you love yourself for whoever you are and I think nothing is more beautiful than that.

Is life all about money?

Is life all about money?
Yes it is!and no its not! Now you might be confused? But the fact is that wherever you want to drag your mind and thinking to is going to be the final destination of your life. If you feed your brain with positive things then expect a positive outcome and if you feed your brain with negativity then expect some hing like that to be confronted. So always make wise choices of selection.

Thinking !

Thinking !
What is thinking? Do you think a constant approach of pondering over a single task is called as thinking? Well you may not be completely wrong in this but you aren't correct either. Thinking is indeed a constant approach but in positive terms. Thinking makes you strong and analytic about a particular situation. If you think that ignorance will lead you somewhere the you are wrong, because a conscious person has a full approach over any situation and he is able to handle it wisely.

Life is Complicated and strange!

Life is Complicated and strange!
Yes! Because life is full of strange ups and downs which you are certainly unable to figure out. Sometime life is going to take you so high enough to make you scare that is everything alright? On the other hand its going to make your world go upside down in order to make you think where did I go wrong. Hence its makes you keep on thinking all the time about these situations which are happening in your surroundings. The only way is to keep up going with the flow and just let the life take you where its wants you to.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Talking heart out in writing!
This title may sound stupid but the fact is that one can talk his heart out to himself by writing what he wanted to say. Its far better than self talking, this is because while writing you are using more senses than while talking to yourself. Using maximum of your senses in all the routine courses of life will make you strong rather than being in depression after thinking a lot on a single point. Same applies to your current state of mind where you can talk your heat out by writing and giving yourself a positive feedback and an ability to analyse the situation simultaneously.
Brainstorming / Deja Vu
Have you ever felt brainstorming after hearing a particular word or after looking at a particular thing? Do you know why looking a thing makes us go in flash back or why hearing particular words make us feel sooth or some words may even have the power to bring tears in our eyes. All of this is because we may or may not take anything in our consideration but our brain has the power of looking beyond eyes because eyes are one of the helping parts of our brain's working capacity but in total brain has a lot of feeders (talking about all other senses). So it is possible that eyes ignored something voluntarily or involuntarily but the other senses might not do so.
Tired of Thinking!
Are you tired of thinking? What made you think like that? Do you know that you cannot stop thinking even if you want to ,but all you can do is to change the direction of your thinking and let your mind wander here and there for no purpose. It can be called as a speed breaker on the road of thinking, you can do that by doing all the irrelevant stuff that does not belong to you. For example just for the happiness of others do a good deed which is not going to get back to you ever. Still trust me you will have so much happiness after doing that when a person in return is going to give you a smile or a word of thanks. Though you must not even expect a smile or a thanks because expecting this is also going to destroy the beauty of this deed.
Depression is not what you think it is like a disease or so, in fact it is a temporary state of mind that is making you over think or over analyse a particular situation. Life has turning points and these turning points sometimes make you uneasy and worried that is collectively termed as depression. To come out of this temporary state of mind you need to and you have to have be willing enough to get rid of that one uneasy thought that is the cause of disturbance for you. For this particular purpose you have to have a family vacation or an outing with friends and if you don,t like to be in or around public then you need to have a spare time to watch a movie or just simply go on an outing alone. This is going to give you peace of mind, relief from that disturbing thought and sometime to pamper yourself with a new surrounding.
Thinking is Power!
LifetimeEarn Do you know that thinking is power! Have you ever experienced a fact that if you keep on thinking for a long time on one point you feel like things are happening in the same way as you were thinking and they are relate-able. This is the power of thinking because it makes you explore the hidden capacities of your mind. Sometimes we are unable to figure out what is going on around us, this is not because we are unaware of the current situation but because we are in kind of a shocking state of mind that is not letting us think beyond our abilities.
Life is Complex!
Whatever you are thinking and whatever you are planning may or may not go the way you want it to. Why is this so? Have you ever thought that planning for a coming function which took you a week ,a month or a year to plan never went the way you wanted it to? This is not because you were wrong , this is because of the fact that life is complex and all of the event that are happening in life are closely related to each other and are happening one after another with close impact of one on another. This is both beautiful as well as think full to have such series of events going on all the time around you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Life is learning !
Or I must say learning is life, both ways life is awesome and life has so many things for us to do. If you ever encountered a question in life that what is the meaning of your life and what life wants you to do then the simple answer for that is that life wants you to help others and be polite and humble to every person around you. This will give you an immense happiness when someone will say thank-you to you out of their extreme excitement. Nothing more is good to hear than a happy word from someone who is happy with you or your deeds.